El dolor 😣 is the main reason why people visit a healthcare professional. Although it is a shared experience, its subjective nature makes it difficult to describe and even more challenging to interpret. This is why 🩺 medical translators and interpreters benefit from being knowledgeable about pain's nature, causes, and characteristics.
During this 2-hour *recorded* webinar 💻 you will become familiar with basic concepts and terminology about pain.
This class is presented in Spanish with examples in English and Spanish.
😊 Happy learning!
- 1 Sections
- 4 Lessons
- 1 Quiz
- 2h Duration
¡Ay! El dolor
4 Lessons
1 Quiz
Course Includes
Price: $68
Duration: 2 hours
CEUs: 0.2 CMI (#18-1177), 2 CHI (#09613), 2 DSHS (#pending)
Type: recorded, self-paced, non-instructor led
Access to site: unlimited