My Blog

Here is where I share my thoughts, research, and experience as a translator, interpreter, and trainer.

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Blog Anatomy

Cute Anatomy in English

Cute Anatomy in English By Gloria M. Rivera “Spanish interpreters use so many fancy words,” a provider told me when I interpreted “collar bone” as

vaccines are important

Why do we need vaccines?

Why do we need vaccines? By Gloria M. Rivera August is National Immunization Awareness Month and given the times we live in, vaccines are quite

International Cat Day

Famous Cats in Medical Translation

Famous Cats in Medical Translation By Gloria M. Rivera Today, August 8th, is International Cat Day. This day was created in 2002 by the International


¿Mande? and why I use it.

¿Mande? Come Again? By Gloria M. Rivera In Spanish, according to the Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE), “mandar” means to order or to command

COVID-19, coronavirus

COVID-19 for Translators and Interpreters By Gloria M. Rivera We are currently living strange times where a very tiny creature is endangering our lives and

Latino hispanic

El paciente latino para cirujanos ortopédicos By Gloria M. Rivera ¿Te gustaría participar como panelista en una mesa redonda sobre la cultura latina? Cuando oí

Alternative Human Anatomy

Alternative Anatomy (in Spanish) By Gloria M. Rivera The first time I heard “me duele la paleta”, the Peruvian in me was very confused. In

My hemo-what?

My hemo-what? By Gloria M. Rivera Recently, I interpreted for a very sweet (no pun intended) patient with a 20+ year history of diabetes. When

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