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Inside Out: Diabetes (en español)


Price: $68
Duration: 2 hours
CEUs: 0.2 CMI (#22-1014), 2 CHI (#10040),
2 DSHS (#545)

Type: Self-paced, non-instructor led
Access to Site
6 months

This webinar is presented in Spanish with terminology in English and Spanish.

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In the United States, 23.6 million people have diabetes. Therefore, as medical translators or interpreters this is a topic we may encounter often. But, what is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when a person’s body doesn’t make enough of the hormone insulin or can’t use insulin properly. As translators and interpreters we need to be familiar with terms such as hyperglycemia, A1C, diabetic neuropathy, among others. 

During this 2-hour *recorded* webinar, participants will become familiar with basic concepts and terminology about diabetes in English and Spanish.

What is included in this webinar?
Students will receive a link to a personal learning site they can access for 3 months. On this site students will find:

  • Webinar recording
  • Presentation handout 
  • Document for sight translation practice
  • 10-question, multiple-choice test 

In order to receive a Certificate of Completion and CEUs (0.2 CMI, 2 CHI, 2 DSHS), participants must watch the recording and score over 75% on a 10-question multiple choice test. Once you pass the test, you will receive a certificate of completion with CEUs within 48 business hours.

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Any questions? Need more information?
Check our FAQ Section here. Feel free to co
ntact Gloria at info@blueurpi.com

Your link to the site will arrive within 24 business hours of purchase.