Las expresiones idiomáticas (idioms) are phrases that have a meaning of their own that cannot be understood from the meanings of their individual words. Native speakers constantly use these phrases in their daily conversations, and therefore, we need to learn what they mean in English in order to convey their meaning in Spanish and vice versa.
During this 2-hour *recorded* webinar, participants will become familiar with idioms related to idiomatic expressions that use body parts in English and their equivalent in Spanish.
What do you get with this webinar?
After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to a learning site. You can access it for six (6)months. There, you will find:
- Webinar recording
- Presentation handout in PDF
- 10-question, multiple-choice test
To receive a Certificate of Completion with CEUs (0.2 CMI, 2 CHI, 2 DSHS, 2 CIMCEs), you must watch the recording and score over 75% on a 10-question multiple-choice test. You will receive an email with your certificate within 48 business hours.
Quick! It’s flying away!
Questions? Need more information?
Check our FAQ Section here. Contact Gloria at
Your link to the site will arrive within 24 business hours of your purchase.